
  • Moving Through Time - Touring Now

    A performance using masks and movement to reflect on the circle of life. Dance animates the stories told through characters including Hildilid, an old woman who hated the night, and the life journey of Lily as she transforms from child to teenager, to woman to elder, in front of your eyes.

  • For Young Audiences

    In creating original work for young audiences, Dancing Earth utilizes dance, drama, music, and art. The artistry of masks and costumes combine with movement to bring captivating performances that inspire multi-generational audiences. These many-faceted compositions allow Dancing Earth to broach subjects such as values and environmental awareness. Creating original performances since 1976, they have given tours and performances for over 300,000 child and family audiences.

  • Site Specific

    For decades, Dancing Earth has been designing performances which combine sculptural movement with architectural and natural settings. From urban streets to pastoral woodlands, botanical gardens, museums, parks, cathedrals and beaches the human form provides commentary and insight on familiar landscapes. Site-specific performances reveal ground, texture, scale, color, and light as it is reflected and contrasted by performer and landscape.

  • Theatrical

    In creating performance for the stage Angelia utilizes myths, original scripts and tales told through movement. She has created 20 evening-length works utilizing musicians, designers, playwrights, visual and performing artists. Her choreographic work has been featured in numerous professional and university dance concerts and theatrical productions.

  • Community Based

    Dancing Earth’s commitment to community-based performance spans many decades, using performers of all ages and abilities from areas as divergent as Vermont and Micronesia. Special affiliations are developed when individuals join to create a performance. Community based performance emphasises multi-generational casting and incorporates the community's unique talents in the performance process and product.